Behold, a wooded wonderland upon Lummi's fair isle! Here, ample room abides to raise the structure of thy dreams, or perchance, to hold as thine own enchanted haven. Let the buyer seek to confirm if a septic system may yet be placed, for 'tis known the soil once proved worthy. Revel in the bounteous offerings of the Scenic Estate Communityclubhouse, private beach, and playground all await thy pleasure. Miss not this golden chance to claim a parcel of this most wondrous land!
MLS# | 2280668 |
Listing Type | For Sale |
Style | Farm or Ranch |
HOA Dues | $78 |
Sub-Type | Resale |
Status | Active |
Days On Site | 162 |
Listing Provided By | RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. | Briddick Webb |
Acreage | 0.18 |
Property View | Yes |
State | WA |
County | Whatcom |
City | Lummi Island |
Zip Code | 98262 |
Area | 871 Lummi Island & Eliza Island |
Community Name | Lummi Island |
School District | Buyer To Verify |
Elementary School | Buyer To Verify |
Middle School | Buyer To Verify |
High School | Buyer To Verify |
Listing VS Median (in Lummi Island) | |
Price: $19,999 low | high Med: $775,000 On Site: 162 low | high Med: 113.000000 |